Katheleen Love
What skills did you gain that you found to be advantageous from being part of the group?
I graduated from Douglass in 1975 and Jack didn't have a formal research group then, just one or two undergraduates that were interested in his line of research and attached ourselves to him. The most important lessons I took away from that time was the importance of discipline and rigor. I felt like working with Jack and my colleagues taught me how to think critically - but we had a lot of fun too.
What have you been doing since you graduated?
After I graduated from Douglass I began my Ph.D. at Michigan State, but once I got there I hatedMichigan. I transferred back to The Graduate School at CUNY and advanced to candidacy in 1980. But at that point in time I needed a real job, and started working at Family Circle magazine as an assistant of readership research. I knew very little about media research at that time but I knew how to design a sample, how to write a questionnaire and how to analyze data. Family Circle was owned by The New York Times and after about 8 months I transferred to the newspaper. I stayed there for 14 years, never finishing my dissertation, but working my way up to the head of Research and Strategic Planning and the head of Marketing for The Times. I also served on the board of the Newspaper Association of America and chaired the Research Federation of the NAA. I've also served on the board of the Advertising Research Foundation.
What are you doing now?
I am currently the President and CEO of Mediamark Research and Intelligence, LLC, one of the leading media research companies in the world. We provide the largest and most reliable and projectable database of consumer behavior in the U.S., conducting personal interviews with 26,000 adults each year. We also provide the audience ratings for all U.S. consumer magazines. I love my job. And many thanks to Jack and the Psychology Department at Douglass College for helping me to get here.