Candice Kowalewski
What skills did you gain that you found to be advantageous from being part of the group?
The skills I have found to be advantageous were time management skills, effectively and efficiently searching for articles, using endnote, writing skills, communication skills, working as a group, getting experience in and learning about running participants in experiments.
What have you been doing since you graduated?
My plans after graduation this Spring of 2009 are to take the GRE's, visit and apply to graduate schools, and continue working as a hairdresser, and possibly gain some experience in the field of psychology, finding employment in a hospital or office.
What are you doing now?
I am currently taking 19 credits, my major is psychology and minor in Environmental Policy, Institution, and Behavior. I am serving as a senior class representative on the Cook College Campus Council. I work in two salons, Belle Allure in South Amboy, and Studio 50 in Oakhurst.
Do you have any tips for current lab members?
Yes, stay organized, and don't overload yourself. Try to stay on task, otherwise nothing gets accomplished. Take advantage of the knowledge and experience that the graduate students are willing to share, they are very helpful. Try to understand how research is done, the methods used, and what the statistics mean. I am still trying to understand different factorial designs, recognizing loss of control groups in different designs......well needless to say there is a lot to learn....