Academic Roles

Role Location Year(s)
Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor Rutgers, The State University 1972-Present
Member, Graduate Faculty, Ph.D. Program in Industrial  Relations and Human Resources Rutgers, The State University 1990-Present
Contributing Faculty Member, Graduate School of Applied  and Professional Psychology, Program in Organizational Psychology Rutgers, The State University 1988-2007
Member, Institute for Health, Health Care Policy and Aging Rutgers, The State University 1985-Present
Area Chair, Graduate Program in Social Psychology Rutgers  The State University





Other Roles


Role Location Year(s)
U.S. Navy - ASEE Distinguished Summer Faculty Fellow Organizational Systems Department,Navy Personnel, Research and Development Center, San Diego, California 1992-1993




Administrative Roles

Role Location Year(s)
Director, Science Management Certificate Program Rutgers, The State University 1979-1984, & 1988-1992
Coordinator of the Industrial/Organizational Psychology Interest Group
Rutgers, The State University 1982-1985
Associate Professor and Coordinator, Doctoral Program in Social and Personality Psychology George Peabody College of Vanderbilt University 1977-1979