Selected External Research Grants
Foundation | Program | Amount |
2005-2007 National Science Foundation. SGER. #0554959 | Dynamic use of social network and leadership theories in disaster recovery | $132,290 |
1995-1996 Sigma Xi | Salivary cortisol and chronic crowding stress | $1,000 |
1981-1983 National Science Foundation | Psychological determinants of stress at Three Mile Island | $55,000 |
1979-1982 William H. Donner Foundation | Program in Science Management | $31,285 |
1978-1979 Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation | Environmental transition | $10,120 |
1977-1979 Biomedical Research Support Grant, N.I.H | Impact of social and environmental factors on the behavior of mentally retarded persons | $9,640 |
1974-1976 National Institute of Child Health and Human Development | Crowding and the development of spatial behavior | $100,370 |