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Aiello, J. R. & Stein, L. (2010). Protecting our assets: Private and public responses to Katrina. Katrina's Imprint: Race and Vulnerability in America: Rutgers University Press, pp. 135-153.
Feinberg, J., Aiello, J. (2010). The Effect of Challenge and Threat Appraisals Under Evaluative Presence. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 40(8), 2071-2104.
- Carton, A. & Aiello, J. R. (2009). Control and Anticipation of Social Interruptions: Reduced Stress and Improved Task Performance. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 39(1), 169-185.
- Feinberg, J.M., & Aiello, J.R. (2006). Social Facilitation: A test of competing theories. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 36(5), 1087-1109.
Panina, D., & Aiello, J.R. (2005). Acceptance of electronic monitoring and its consequences in different cultural contexts: A conceptual model. Journal of International Management, 11, 269-292.
Douthitt, E.A., & Aiello, J.R. ( 2001). The role of participation and control in effects of computer monitoring on fairness perceptions, task satisfaction, and performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 86(5), 867-874.
Aiello, J.R., & Douthitt, E.A. ( 2001). Social facilitation theory from Triplett to electronic performance monitoring. Group Dynamics, 5(3), 163-180.
Douthitt, E.A., & Aiello, J.R. (2000). The impact of computer monitoring and negative affectivity on task performance and satisfaction. Best Paper Proceedings for the 2000 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Glaser, D. N., Tatum, B. C., Nebeker, D. M., Sorenson, R. C., & Aiello, J. R. (1999). Workload and social support: Effects on performance and stress. Human Performance, 12(2), 155-176.
Kolb, K. J., & Aiello, J. R. (1997). Computer-based performance monitoring and productivity in a multiple task environment. Journal of Business and Psychology, 12(2), 189-204.
Kolb, K. J., & Aiello, J. R. (1996). The effects of electronic performance monitoring on stress: Locus of control as a moderator variable. Computers in Human Behavior, 12, 407-423.
Aiello, J. R., & Kolb, K. J. (1995). Electronic performance monitoring and social context: Impact on productivity and stress. Journal of Applied Psychology, 80, 339-353.
Jussim, L., Yen, H., & Aiello, J. R. (1995). Self-consistency, self-enhancement, and accuracy in reactions to feedback. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 31, 322-356.
Aiello, J. R., & Kolb, K. J. (1995). Electronic performance monitoring: A risk factor for workplace stress. In S. L. Sauter & L. Murphy (Eds.), Organizational Risk Factors for Job Stress, Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, pp. 163-179.
Kluger, A. N., Lewinsohn, S., & Aiello, J. R. (1994). The influence of feedback on mood: Linear effects on pleasantness and curvilinear effects on arousal. Organization Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 60, 276-299
Sokol, M. B., & Aiello, J. R. (1993). Implications for team focused stress management training. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 45(4), 1-10.
Aiello, J. R., & Shao, Y. (1993). Electronic performance monitoring and stress: The role of feedback and goal setting. In M. J. Smith & G. Salvendy (Eds.), Human-computer interaction: Applications and case studies. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., pp. 1011-1016.
Aiello, J. R. & Svec, C. M. (1993). Computer monitoring of work performance: Social facilitation and electronic presence. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 23(7), 537-548.
Aiello, J. R. (1993). Computer-based work monitoring: Electronic surveillance and its effects. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 23(7), 499-507.
Aiello, J. R. (Ed.) (1993). Computer-based work monitoring [Special issue]. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 23(7), 499-601.
Aiello, J. R. (1987). Human spatial behavior. In D. Stokols and I. Altman (Eds.), Handbook of environmental psychology. New York: John Wiley & Sons, pp. 359-504.
Aiello, J. R., Thompson, D. E., & Baum, A. (1985). Children, crowding, and control: Effects of environmental stress on social behavior. In J. F. Wohlwill and W. van Vliet, (Eds.), Habitats for children: The impacts of density. Hillsdale, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, pp. 97-124.
Aiello, J. R., Thompson, D. E., & Brodzinsky, D. M. (1983). How funny is crowding anyway? Effects of room size, group size, and the introduction of humor. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 4(2), 193-207.
Pagán, G., & Aiello, J. R. (1982). Development of personal space among Puerto Ricans. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 7(2), 59-68.
Gormley, F. P., & Aiello, J. R. (1982). Social density, interpersonal relationships, and residential crowding stress. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 12(3), 222-236.
Reddy, D. M., Baum, A., Fleming, R., & Aiello, J. R. (1981). Mediation of social density by coalition formation. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 11, 529-537.
Epstein, Y. M., Teitelbaum, R., Karlin, R. A., Katz, S., & Aiello, J. R. (1981). Arousal and crowded mass transit settings. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 11(3), 259-267.
Crawford, J. L., Thompson, D. E., & Aiello, J. R. (1981). Community placement of mentally retarded persons: Clinical and environmental considerations. In H.C. Haywood and J. R. Newborough (Eds.), Living environments for mentally retarded persons. Baltimore, MD: University Park Press, pp. 169-194.
Baum, A., Gatchell, R. J., Aiello, J. R., & Thompson, D. E. (1981). Cognitive mediation of environmental stress. In J. H. Harvey (Ed.), Cognition, social behavior, and the environment. Hillsdale, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, pp. 513-533.
Aiello, J. R., Thompson, D. E., & Baum, A. (1981). The symbiotic relationship between social psychology and environmental psychology: Implications from crowding, personal space, and intimacy regulation research. In J. H. Harvey (Ed.), Cognition, social behavior and the environment. Hillsdale, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, pp. 423-438.
Aiello, J. R., Baum, A., & Gormley, F. P. (1981). Social determinants of residential crowding stress. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 7(4), 643-649.
Love, K. D., & Aiello, J. R. (1980). Using projective techniques to measure interaction distance: A methodological note. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 6(1), 102-104.
Brodzinsky, D. M., Barnet, K., & Aiello, J. R. (1980). Sex of subject and gender identity as factors in humor appreciation. Sex Roles, 7(5), 561-573.
Aiello, J. R., & Thompson, D. E. (1980). When compensation fails: Mediating effects of sex and locus of control at extended interaction distances. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 1(1), 65-81
Aiello, J. R., & Thompson, D. E. (1980). Personal space, crowding, and spatial behavior in a cultural context. In I. Altman, J. F. Wohlwill, & A. Rapaport (Eds.), Human behavior and environment, Volume 4. Environment and culture. New York: Plenum Press, pp. 107-178.
Thompson, D. E., Aiello, J. R., & Epstein, Y. M. (1979). Interpersonal distance preferences. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 4(2), 113-118.
Nicosia, G., Hymen, D., Karlin, R. A., Epstein, Y. M., & Aiello, J. R. (1979). Effects of bodily contact on reactions to crowding. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 9(6), 508-523.
Jones, S. E., Aiello, J. R., & Thompson, D. E. (1979). A test of the validity of projective and quasi-projective measures of interpersonal distance. Western Journal of Speech Communication, 43(2), 143-152.
Crawford, J. L., Aiello, J. R., & Thompson, D. E. (1979). Deinstitutionalization and community placement: Clinical and environmental factors. Mental Retardation, 17(2), 59-63.
Aiello, J. R., Nicosia, G., & Thompson, D. E. (1979). Physiological, social, and behavioral consequences of crowding on children and adolescents. Child Development, 50(1), 195-202.
Hopstock, P. J., Aiello, J. R., & Baum, A. Residential crowding research, pp. 9-21.
Aiello, J. R., & Baum, A. (Eds.). (1979). Residential crowding and design. New York: Plenum Press.
Aiello, J. R., & Baum, A. The study of residential crowding, pp. 1-7.
Aiello, J. R., & Baum, A. Crowding and residential design, pp. 161-166.
Hopstock, P. J., Aiello, J. R., & Baum, A. Residential crowding research, pp. 9-21.
Karlin, R. A., Epstein, Y. M., & Aiello, J. R. (1978). Strategies for the investigation of crowding. In A. H. Esser and B. Greenbie (Eds.), Design for communality and privacy. New York: Plenum Press, pp. 71-89.
Karlin, R. A., Epstein, Y. M., & Aiello, J. R. (1978). A setting-specific analysis of crowding. In A. Baum & Y. M. Epstein (Eds.), Human response to crowding. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, pp. 165-179.
Baum, A., Davis, G. E., & Aiello, J. R. (1978). Crowding and neighborhood mediation of urban density. Journal of Population, 1(3), 266-279.
Baum, A., Aiello, J. R., & Calesnick, L. E. (1978). Crowding and personal control: Social density and the development of learned helplessness. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 36(9), 1000-1011.
Aiello, J. R., Headley, L. A., & Thompson, D. E. (1978). Effects of crowding on the elderly: A preliminary investigation. Journal of Population, 1(4), 283-297.
Aiello, J. R., DeRisi, D. T., Epstein, Y. M., & Karlin, R. A. (1977). Crowding and the role of interpersonal distance preference. Sociometry, 40(3), 271-282.
Aiello, J. R. (1977). Visual interaction at extended distances. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 3(1), 83-87.
Aiello, J. R. (1977). A further look at equilibrium theory: Visual interaction as a function of interpersonal distance. Environmental Psychology and Nonverbal Behavior, 1(2), 122-140.
Karlin, R. A., McFarland, D., Aiello, J. R., & Epstein, Y. M. (1976). Normative mediation of reactions to crowding. Environmental Psychology and Nonverbal Behavior, 1(1), 30-40.
Aiello, J. R., Epstein, Y. M., & Karlin, R. A. (1975). Effects of crowding on electrodermal activity. Sociological Symposium, 14, 42-57.
Aiello, J. R., & Aiello, T. D. (1974). The development of personal space: Proxemic behavior of children 6 through 16. Human Ecology, 2(3), 177-189.
Jones, S. E., & Aiello, J. R. (1973). Proxemic behavior of black and white first, third, and fifth grade children. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 25(1), 21-27.
Aiello, J. R., & Cooper, R. E. (1972). Use of personal space as a function of social affect. Proceedings, 80th Annual Convention, APA, 1972, 207-208.
Aiello, J. R. (1972). A test of equilibrium theory: Visual interaction in relation to orientation, distance, and sex of interactants. Psychonomic Science, 27(6), 335-336.
Aiello, J. R., & Jones, S. E. (1971). A field study of the proxemic behavior of young school children in three subcultural groups. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 19(3), 351-356.